Dobrodošli na stranicu Chance Model Management – a. Ovo je mesto gde počinje karijera budućeg top modela.

Chance Model Management je internacionalna matična agencija koja se bavi pronalaskom, razvojem i plasiranjem manekena na domaću i inostranu modnu scenu.

Osnivač agencije je Jelena Marković, nekadašnja Mis Srbije i uspešna svetska manekenka koja je saradjivala sa najpoznatijim svetskim modnim imenima kao što su Dolce&Gabanna , Yves Saint Laurent , magazinima Vogue Italia, Special, Marie Claire i mnogi drugi.


Welcome to Chance Model Management! This is the spot where the career of the future top-model begins.

Chance Model Management  is an international mother agency that discovers new faces, develope them and place with the most prestigious foreign fashion agencies.

The founder of the agency is Jelena Marković, former Miss Serbia and successful model who has collaborated with the most famous names such as Dolce&Gabannam Yves Saint Laurent, Vogue Italia, Marie Claire and many others.

Jelena Marković – CEO & founder

Nakon 10 godina inostrane modne karijere i diplomiranja na Pravnom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, nekadašnja Mis Srbije i jedan od najpoznatijih ” lovaca na mlade talente” osnovala je modnu agenciju sa sedištem u Beogradu i mrežom skauta na području Balkana i Italije.

Chance Model Management  je vrtoglavom brzinom dostigao status jedne od najuspešnijih modnih agencija na našim prostorima.

Svojim autentičnim i osavremenjenim načinom rada, skautovano lice nakon procesa modne transformacije i individualne obuke dobija šansu da postane deo svetskog modnog vrha.

Agencija angažuje poznate ličnosti iz svih oblasti umetnosti, medija, sporta, u okviru kategorije INFLUENCERI, za potrebe reklamnih kampanja domaćih i inostranih brendova.


After 10 years of successful modelling career and graduation at the Law Faculty of the University of Belgrade, the former Miss Serbia and one of the most famous “young talent hunters” founded a fashion agency with a headquarters in Belgrade and a scout network in the territory of Balkan region and Italy. Chance model Management  has become a fast-paced speed one of the most successful fashion agencies in Balkan region.

With its authentic and modern working mode, discovered face after the process of fashion transformation and individual training, gets a special opportunity to become the part of the world fashion runway.

Chance Model Management engages celebrities from all fields of art, media, sports, within the category of INFLUENCERS, for need of advertising campaigns of domestic and foreign brands.

Jelena Marković o ulozi CEO u CHANCE MODEL MANAGEMENT – u:

Modeling nije stvar najlepšeg lica ili savršenih proporcija. To je miks različitih faktora koje samo dobar agent može prepoznati, razviti i pokazati ostatku sveta.

Ovo nije samo modna agencija.

Ovo je mesto gde pojedinac ima šansu da uči, raste i otkrije skrivene talente koji bi inače ostali skrieni zauvek. To je naša misija.

Lanac je sledeći – omladina traži razlog zbog kog će se osećati vrednom i posebnom. Ako im se to omogući na pravi način, uzvratiće ostvarivanjem rezultata kojima se cela zemlja može ponositi. I “odjednom”, svet zna ko ste.


Jelena on her CEO role at CHANCE MODEL MANAGEMENT :

Modelling was never about the most beautiful face and perfect proportion. It is the mix of variety factors that only good agent can recognise, develope and show to the rest of the world.

This is not just the modelling agency.

This is the place where an individual has the chance to learn, grow and discover the hidden potentials that might stay hidden forever. That is our mission.

The success road goes like this : Youth needs a reason to feel productive and proud of themselves. If we give them right tools, they will give us back the reason to be proud of them. First it becomes the matter of the nation. Then “suddenly”, world knows your name.

Take the CHANCE with us!